29 Март
Источник: ReloadCMS Team
Новая статья должна облегчить новичкам освоение сознания дополнительных модулей.
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25 Март
Источник: ReloadCMS Team
Опубликована новая статья, которая должна объяснить на простейшем примере процесс написания модуя для ReloadCMS.
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13 Март
Источник: -
Собственно появилась интересная формочка слева :) Так что шлите SMS! :) Скоро настрою показ последних отправлений на этом сайте.
12 Март
Источник: -
I will bring you 1.2.6 release in a maximum short period of time, but there is a lot of features still to be done! Do you think i should release preview versions of 1.2.6? Also i changed my mind about commerciality of ReloadCMS. It will still be free and opensource! At least 1.2.6 release :)
22 Февраль
Источник: -
I had some time to think about role of development in my life and now i want you to understand me. I cannot continue development of ReloadCMS if i wouldn't get some regular financial help. I've tried to find some job, but it gave me nothing, but i still need money to cover my internet usage and for... hm... personal needs. The new (1.2.6) release of ReloadCMS will include lots of exciting features, so i think that it will be normal if i'd ask you to buy it to get:
a) exclusive support: help with installing and maintaining reloadcms (by e-mail, icq, jabber or msn).
b) regular updates: you will receive all updates just after they become available, so you would not wait for new release to fix some bugs and may be security issues.
Price of ReloadCMS package is $35 per domain for less than 5 domains or $25 per domain for 5 or more domains. This package includes 6 month of support and ability to legally remove copyright notice from your pages.
Price of ReloadCMS support:
6 month - $30 ($20)
12 month - $50 ($35)
Number in brackets is price for ones who already paid for ReloadCMS support or package.
10 Февраль
Источник: ReloadCMS Team
First public release of ReloadCMS HackReactor 1.0 Release candidate is now available for download.
Attention: before installation please carrefully read readme inside of tarball.
Download link:
08 Февраль
Источник: -
So guys i suppose you will get all you wanted from me. From f*cking spam attacks from Estonian and Ukranian servers to "CRACKS" of ReloadCMS. If you really want me to close this project i can do this ANYTIME from now!
21 Январь
Источник: ReloadCMS Team
SkinsPack 21.01.2006 released, added some nice skins ;)
Download link:
07 Январь
Источник: DruidVAV
We moved to
irc://irc.l.../#reloadcms because this is a local irc server of my provider ;)
31 Декабрь
Источник: -
ReloadCMS Team wish to all the best to our users! Let all your dreams come true! :) Sometimes people think that we forget development but this is not true, we still work on next releases to make them better. Good luck and thanks for all support that you gave us!